“The Elephant is Moving”

Here’s what Avaaz.org, a grassroots activist organization, had to say about the failed negotiations in Copenhagen last week:

“…while leaders failed to make history, people around the world did. In thousands of vigils, rallies and protests, hundreds of thousands of phone calls, and millions of petition signatures, an unprecedented movement rose to this moment. After hearing the result of the talks, one member from Africa wrote “It takes a lot to get an elephant moving, but when you do it is hard to stop…the elephant is moving

Avaaz added this cautionary addendum:

There were some opening champagne in Copenhagen today. The polluting industry lobbyists and corporations — those who have captured our democracies and divided our leaders — celebrated their victory. They operated quietly in the shadows, but their voices were loud in some politicians’ ears. As they drank their champagne their one concern may have been us – the potential of our new people-powered movement. In fact, they’re already launching an attempt to silence us...”

Click here to read more about Avaaz.org and join the movement to “close the gap between the world we have, and the world most people everywhere want.”

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