Durban: “Down With Canada”

Concerned citizens from around Africa and the globe have gathered in Durban South Africa to “Occupy Cop17”, as hopes for a global agreement to address the climate crisis fades.  As part of Occupy COP17, participants chanted “down with Canada” outside the official U.N. negotiations. It makes me so ashamed of my country, and the federal government. We are a rich country, and in the past have had a reputations as a generous country, one which speaks up at the global table for countries that are struggling under less advantageous situations. Under Stephen Harper, that’s all changed, and it’s ugly to see.

Here’s more coverage of what’s happening in Durban:

One response to “Durban: “Down With Canada””

  1. At present there are lots of hungry and cold people in Canada– why do I have to help the rest of the world instead? Canada is less than 2% of world population– you figure we can save the other 98%?? I figure it is time we said “screw globalization” and started worrying about our eroding freedoms and our increasing poverty at home!

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