Canadian Government Reminded To Stop Their “Fuelish” Ways

Artwork: Franke James

Talented Canadian artist and environmentalist (and friend of 350orbust) Franke James has recently come out with a video about her experience of being blacklisted by the Harper government. In it, Franke examines how she got in a “pickle” for asking Stephen Harper to make polluters pay and pointing out the error of his government’s “fuelish” ways.

Franke James takes her art to Harper's doorstep.

Franke’s case, illustrative as it is of Canadian government censorship, has been taken up by PEN Canada and the Writers’ Union of Canada:

“The government of Canada has no right to determine what is an acceptable opinion for an individual citizen, on climate change or any matter of public interest,” said Charlie Foran, President of PEN Canada, “To do so is clearly not in the spirit of the Charter and the long history of freedom of expression in Canada.”

Greg Hollingshead, Chair of The Writers’ Union of Canada, “The right to freedom of expression includes freedom from official disapproval, including the sort of bureaucratic interference encountered by Franke James.

Enjoy this video, which demonstrates Franke’s sense of humour as well as her artistic talent. Then, if you haven’t already, go to the Care2petition website and sign the “End Canada’s Attempts to Silence Artist” petition. You can also write your own letter to Prime Minister Harper (c/o House of Commons, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0A6 – no stamp required if it’s mailed in Canada) reminding him of the importance of allowing many voices to be heard in a democracy, not just the government’s.

More links: Canada’s Attempt To Silence Artist

Desmogblog: New Franke James Video: Give Harper The Call

2 responses to “Canadian Government Reminded To Stop Their “Fuelish” Ways”

  1. Christine,

    Thank you for your tremendous support and picking up on my “Fuelish Ways” advice! Very fun headline and great overview post. You’re doing an amazing job here.

    Just as the Youth Delegation “turned their backs” to show their disapproval of Canada’s Colossal Fossil negotiating stance — all of us have to speak up and let the Harper Govt know that we want them to take action on climate change. Harper would turn green overnight if he knew it was the source of sustainable (political) power for him.


  2. You’re right, Franke, we all need to start speaking up about this issue. Citizens Climate Lobby, with chapters in the United States and Canada (started with 3 – Toronto, Sudbury, and Red Lake – a year ago, and is now at 20) is an amazing and energized group of people. CCL Canada was mentioned in the House of Parliament this week – for the first time, but not the last! Check out (international) or .ca (Canadian).

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