Alberta Oil Sands Crude: Not As Conflict-Free As “Ethical Oil” Proponents Wish


Yesterday I posted a clip from Power & Politics where’s spokesperson Kathryn Marshall happily sprayed paranoid, inflammatory rhetoric around the room about how “environmentalists” who are speaking out against the Northern Gateway Pipeline are funded by “foreign” interests while clamming up about whether or not her group gets funding from the oil industry (duhhhh!).  Ethical Oil’s ties to the Harper government are clear:  it was started by a former Conservative political staffer, Alykhan Velshi, who left it for another job with the Harper government, this time in the Prime Minister’s Office. Ms. Marshall, it was revealed the Ottawa Citizen yesterday, is married to Stephen Harper’s former strategic planning manager Hamish Marshall.What an oily, incestuous bunch!

After this week of ethical oil bullsh*t and fear-mongering against the democratic process from the Harper Government and its mouthpiece,, it’s time to hear some plain speaking and truth telling from Naomi Klein about how “ethical” tar sands oil is:


Here’s the good news of the week – it looks like China is planning to levy a carbon tax as early as the end of this year.  I wonder what Canada’s excuse for not taking action to limit our carbon pollution will be now?  To read more about China’s move to price carbon, go to China to Levy Carbon Tax Before 2015.

Now, to take us into the weekend, here’s a rousing chorus from Woody Guthrie, All You Fascists Bound To Lose:

6 responses to “Alberta Oil Sands Crude: Not As Conflict-Free As “Ethical Oil” Proponents Wish”

  1. “Ethical oil” should be added to the dictionary of new-speak along with “War is peace.” I also suggest, in keeping with the same theme, “Disease is health.”

    (I should mention as an aside, Christine, that I’m a sucker for any posting with Woody Guthrie in it.)

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