Monday Musings

Although today’s title suggests that I might be taking the time to write some insightful lines about the state of the world this morning, in fact I’m not feeling up to it (and some might suggest that I am never quite up to the task, anyway!). This morning there’s a little too much going on in my small world, and the greater one, for me to make much sense of it for myself, never mind trying to write something coherent for anyone else. I think I’m going to have to just try to get through the day, which includes a presentation to our town council on a local food initiative that has received funding, and purchased, a passive solar greenhouse but for which there isn’t yet any land to put it up on. Also on today’s agenda is driving 2 1/2 hours down the road to the closest vet, as our Norwegian Elkhound is not at all well.

But I do want to share a video that I first watched last week, and which has changed the way I view the food I eat. And as a consequence, it has changed what food I eat. But more about that later.

3 responses to “Monday Musings”

    • Thanks, Jen.
      Finn’s full of cancer, so we’ve brought him home to give him lots of TLC. We’re sad, he’s been a part of our family for 10 years, and it’s hard to see him lose his vim and zest for life (and chasing squirrels).

  1. Well that’s a pretty powerful presentation! Certainly lots of food for thought ( sorry can’t help myself!). I think I’ll pay more attention to what I eat. Thanks for this.

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